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Chinese heat pumps: savings or risk?

Author: Polly

Jan. 06, 2025

31 0 0

Chinese heat pumps: savings or risk?

Heat pumps are an efficient and cost-effective way to heat and cool your home. However, when it comes to choosing a specific heat pump, some consumers may face the question: "Why should I overpay for a heat pump brand if a Chinese product is cheaper?" In this article, we will provide criteria by which you can evaluate the effectiveness of any manufacturer's technology so that you can draw conclusions based on your own analysis.

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So, in order to protect yourself from additional stress, to find a technology that will serve for a long time and with high quality, you need to choose a heat pump manufacturer carefully. Here are some things to consider while choosing a heat pump.

Reliability of the manufacturer

Check the manufacturer's reputation, history, ratings, and customer reviews. They may also have video reviews of heat pumps on social media platforms. If such information is freely available to users, then most likely the manufacturer has nothing to hide, as they strive to build strong, trusting relationships with their customers. For example, Hajster does this by creating educational content on the Holy Pump YouTube project, where viewers can hear simple explanations about complex engineering technologies from the brand's founders.


Check what kind of warranty is provided for the heat pump. As a rule, high-quality pumps have longer warranty periods, which indicates the manufacturer's confidence in their reliability in the long term. For example, the manufacturer of our Hajster heat pumps provides a warranty of 5 years for the entire product.

Certification and standards

Make sure that the heat pump meets the required standards and has received the appropriate safety and quality certificates. For example: every European manufacturer of any heating equipment must indicate the energy efficiency class of its product.

Reviews and recommendations

Check out reviews and recommendations from other consumers who are already using a heat pump from this manufacturer, perhaps the manufacturer itself has already taken care of this and prepared a collection of reviews for you.

Energy efficiency

An important aspect is the energy efficiency of the heat pump. Check its coefficient of performance (COP) and seasonal coefficient of performance (SCOP). Higher values indicate lower heating costs.

Technical support

Make sure you have access to technical support and service in your area so that you know who to contact in case of repair or maintenance. 


So, it is important to be careful, as some Chinese manufacturers produce low-quality pumps at an affordable price for the purpose of mass sale. They are not likely to be as efficient and reliable as pumps from trusted brands, and there is a high probability that the heating issue will arise again in a few years. 

Of course, the decision is yours: whether to choose a Chinese heat pump or not, we have only provided you with tools for analysis. Pay attention to all aspects: from the quality of the information provided on the website, impressions after communicating with company representatives, and your own feelings. Yes, we understand that the process of choosing a heat pump is a serious step in facility planning and the choice can be really difficult, but qualified specialists can answer any questions and give you confidence when making your choice. 

If you have any additional questions, you can contact Hajster specialists - 24/7 service support.

Hajster. Doing climate right!

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Heat pumps could help cut China's building CO2 ...

The report adds that two energy-intensive sectors could be well-suited to using heat pumps: the pulp and paper sector, in which around 55 per cent of current heat demand could be provided by industrial heat pumps, and the chemical sector, for which around 18 per cent of demand could be met.

Heat pumps would be unlikely to serve demand for other energy-intensive sectors, however, as &#;only a few early-stage prototypes exist for temperatures beyond 200C, all of which are far from being ready for the mass market&#;.

Even under the STEPS, the stock of heat pumps in buildings in China would double, reaching more than 1,100GW by and contributing to building emissions falling by more than 25 per cent, with fuel-switching options such as coal-to-gas also playing a role. 

For light industries, heat pump-led CO2 emissions reductions under STEPs would &#;remain limited&#;, as under the current policy settings, heat pumps may be &#;deployed slowly&#;. Overall, by heat-related emissions would only fall by 15 per cent.

Significantly, the policies required to meet climate goals in China &#; and the rest of the world &#; under the APS would see some industries &#;strongly mobilised&#;, the report says. Sectors such as mining and machinery would need to expand, ramping up clean-energy technology production to meet domestic and global demand.

While this additional industrial activity would raise China&#;s heat demand by 5 per cent in the APS compared with the STEPS, the associated emissions would be more than offset by the savings enabled by wider deployment of electrification and clean heating technologies.

Moreover, the deployment of heat pumps would allow for a 20 per cent decline in the energy intensity of heat supply by &#; the energy demand per unit of heat &#; compared to today, the report says.

The alignment between expanded heat pump use and decarbonisation of the electricity system could see indirect emissions from power generation for heat drop by more than 40 per cent by as more renewable and nuclear power comes online, it adds. By , electricity&#;s share in heat generation could exceed 75 per cent.

For example, the IEA states that the pulp and paper sector could see coal use &#;almost entirely phased out by &#;, if China&#;s climate goals are met. The sector has already cut the share of coal in its energy needs from 43 per cent in to 10 per cent in , due to electrification and coal-to-gas shifts. 

Under the APS, direct coal use for space and water heating in China would fall by 75 per cent by and would be &#;almost completely phased out&#; by , with heat pumps becoming a key technology for heating in urban and rural areas by . 

However, significant investment would be needed in this scenario to deploy enough heat pumps to meet demand. 

How effective are heat pumps as a solution for China?

With more than 250GW of installed heat pump capacity in buildings in , China accounts for more than 25 per cent of global heat pump sales and was the only major market to see heat pump sales grow in , the report says. In , 8 per cent of all heating equipment sales for buildings in China were heat pumps.

They are &#;already the norm&#; for space heating and cooling in buildings in some parts of central and southern China, which do not benefit from centralised district heating. Rural areas are now seeing a growing uptake of heat pumps, due to policy support to encourage rural regions to limit coal consumption, the report adds.

The same is also true for district heating, where network operators are increasingly installing heat pumps. While the majority are &#;air-source&#; pumps operating at relatively low temperatures, some networks are beginning to use large-scale heat pumps that recycle waste heat from steel mills, sewage treatment processes and coal chemical plants.

They &#;offer one of the most efficient options for decarbonising heat in district heating networks, buildings and industry&#;, according to the report.

In terms of both direct and indirect emissions, annual carbon emissions from a heat pump currently installed in China are more than 30 per cent lower than those from gas boilers. &#;Shifting from fossil fuel boilers to heat pumps&#;, the report says, &#;would reduce CO2 emissions virtually everywhere they are installed&#;.

Despite high upfront installation costs, heat pumps also help users save money on energy bills over their lifetimes, according to the IEA. 

The image below shows the different climate zones across China. Air-to-air heat pumps are more cost-effective than both gas boilers and electric heaters in some colder climates, as well as in regions with hot summers and cold winters.

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